The School Day
Our School days runs from 8:45am to 3:20pm.
Read below for a more detailed outline of the day.
- 8:35am - Gates are opened and children can come into school. This soft start gives children a chance to catch up with friends, say hello to staff and have a relaxed and calm start to the day.
- 8:45-8:55am - Registers completed by class teachers. The gate and classroom doors are closed at 8:45am. Anyone arriving after this time must go to the school office.
- 8:55-10:30am - Session 1
- 10:30-10:45am - Morning break
- 10:45-11:00am Assembly
- 11:00-12:00pm - Session 2
- 12:00-1:00pm - Lunchtime
- 1:00-3:00pm - Sessions 3 and 4
- 3:00 - 3:20pm Class story
- 3:20pm - End of school day
Our school day ends at 3:20 pm and all children must be picked up from their class teacher unless we have permission from a parent/carer. Each class uses a different entrance and exit to the school building.
- Goldfinches use the doors beside their outdoor area near the Garden
- Sparrows use the doors outside their classroom onto the back playground
- Kingfishers use the Key Stage 1 doors on the front playground
- Barn Owls use the foyer doors near the hall
- Buzzards use the foyer doors near the hall
Childminders and external after-school clubs must pick the children up from the class teacher. This is for safeguarding and communication and no exceptions will be made unless we have written permission from a child's parent/carer.
Enrichment Clubs
Additional clubs are organised by school and a clubs letter will go out each term. It will be clear where a permission slip is required along with pick up times for children after school.
Breakfast Club and After School Club
Please contact the Office for more information about available spaces.
Breakfast club starts at: 7:30am
After-School club finishes at 5:45pm