Safeguarding our Children
Buckfastleigh Primary School is committed to providing a safe a secure environment for children, staff and visitors and to promoting a climate where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns they may have about their own safety or the wellbeing of others.
The lead safeguarding officers in this school are:
- Mrs Laurie Archer - Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- Mrs Jess Rafferty - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) - on maternity leave
- Mr Pete Grafton - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
- Miss Kirsty Sparks - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Remember - never feel worried about sharing a concern.
It is always better to share a concern and find out later that there was nothing to worry about than not to share a concern and find out later that a child has suffered.
The school procedure is as follows:
- Discuss concerns with the School Designated Officer
- Concerns must be reported as soon as possible. It is much better to share a concern or worry than to keep it to yourself.
- The School Designated Officer will make a decision as to whether outside agencies should be involved. This will usually be following advice from the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
- Write down as soon as possible what the pupil has told you, including the time, date, and names of other people involved.
- Confidentiality should never be promised, you have a legal obligation to share any concerns that involve a child being harmed or at risk of harm
- The pupil's welfare is paramount.
- If the concern relates to the conduct of another member of staff this must be reported to the Headteacher.
- If the concern relates to the Headteacher, it must be reported to the Trust's Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer or the Director of Education.
All staff receive regular safeguarding training and updates through the school year. Staff are given a copy of the following documents at the start of each year and sign to say that they have read and understood them. Click below to access the documents.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
- WeST Child Protection Policy 2024
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Whistleblowing Policy 2024
- School Behaviour Policy 2024
Where to get further information and advice: