FOBS - Friends of Buckfastleigh School (PTA)
Welcome to FOBS -Friends of Buckfastleigh School. (PTA)
Who are we?
Every parent and carer who has a child at the school is automatically a Friend of Buckfastleigh School. The group consists of a small number of parents who work alongside the school to organise and run fundraising events for the school community. Friends of Buckfastleigh School is a registered charity.
All money raised is spent on equipment and activities designed to enrich the learning experience of all of our children.
Where does the money raised go?
In recent years we have bought playground equipment, a reading corner and projectors for each classroom. We fund Arts Week, and pay a subscription for every child in school to have access to the excellent Doodle Maths software. In addition, we buy every child a book bag when they start in reception and give every leaver a present when they move on to secondary school.
What type of events/activities do we do?
Every year is different, and our activities in 2020 have been severely limited, but in the past, we’ve run…
- Christmas and Summer Discos.
- Film Clubs in the school hall.
- French Breakfasts on a Saturday morning.
- Jumble Sales.
- Uniform Sales.
- Buckfastleigh vs Ashburton Quiz Night.
- Summer and Advent Fairs.
- Raffles and refreshments at school performances & sports days.
- Bags2school collections.
- Ice cream stall in the playground after school.
- BBQs.
Interested in joining us? When and where do we meet?
The level of involvement that you have is up to you and your personal circumstances. Joining in doesn’t have to be a huge commitment and it is very rewarding as well as being a great way to meet other parents and keep across what’s going on in school.
We usually meet twice a term (mostly with kids in tow!) and always welcome new members to our friendly team.
Usefull skills are anything from writing newsletters to running our facebook page, baking a cake to sourcing raffle prizes, If you are willing and able, many hands make light work for us all.
If you are interested in becoming an active member then please get in touch and we will keep you up to date on upcoming events by email.
How to contact us
We can be contacted via email at Alternatively, if you prefer contact by telephone, please leave a message and a telephone number with the school office and we will get in touch promptly.