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Buckfastleigh Primary School

Buckfastleigh Primary School



Attendance at Buckfastleigh Primary School

Excellent attendance at school is linked to better academic progress and attainment by ensuring pupils access a broad, balanced and knowledge-rich curriculum. It also ensures that pupils can benefit from the extra-curricular activities on offer at school that promote good social and emotional development.

Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child has an appropriate education. For most children in the UK this means full-time attendance at school.



Parent should inform school by 9:15am at the latest that their child is unable to attend by phoning 01364 643304, emailing on or messaging Kirsty Sparks on Class Dojo If a child is absent for more than one day parents should continue to update the school of the reason why daily.


The school attendance team will be monitoring attendance on a regular basis. When a child’s attendance drops below a certain level, you could receive a letter from the school highlighting our concerns. The process we follow is shown in the table below.


Doors open at 08:35am, allowing children to come in for a soft start ready for registration at 08:45am. 

It is important to make the distinction between a late that occurs during the official registration period and a late that occurs after the official registration period.  The registration period covers the time between 08:45 and 09:15 during the morning session.  


The Attendance Officer will ensure the appropriate late code is recorded on SIMS: 

  • ‘L’ where a pupil arrives late but during the morning registration period (08:45 and 09:15). This does not affect the pupil’s overall attendance figure.
  • ‘U’ where a pupil arrives later after the morning registration period has closed (i.e. after 09:15 am). This will affect the pupil’s overall attendance figure.

Pupils who become persistently absent will have parents contacted by the Attendance Officer. After the day of contacting, any lateness will be marked U on SIMS.

Pupils that arrive late for morning registration (08:45-09:15) should go to Reception and be recorded as in school.  Office staff should record this late, include the time, on SIMS. 

Pupils who arrive late after the morning registration period (i.e. after 09:15) should also sign-in at Reception and will be marked as ‘U’. 



In order for us to understand why a child is absent we are tightening up on our systems in place. All forms should be completed as soon as you are aware that the absence is require. Forms should not be completed retrospectively.

Holiday Requests:

If you are unable to book your holiday in the school holidays please complete a 'S2 Holiday Request Form' which can be obtained from the office. The criteria for this being authorised is very limited and this form should be completed 3 weeks prior to departure.


Medical Appointments:

If your child has a medical appointment that cannot be arranged outside of school hours please complete the 'Medical Absence Form'. This form can be obtained from the office or completed via this link:

Early Leave:

If you would like to collect your child early for a reason other than a medical appointment or holiday please complete the 'Early Leave Form'. Please can you complete this form even if you already have an agreed early leave in place. This form can be obtained from the office or completed via this link:

Guidance around Unauthorised Absence

(taken from the S2 Devon County Council Absence Request Form).

Parents should ensure that they know whether the absence will be authorised or not before they go away as an unauthorised absence will likely result in a penalty notice or court summons being issued to each parent for each pupil affected. It is therefore recommended that this completed form is sent into the school at least three school weeks before the intended absence.

If this request is unauthorised by the school, a penalty notice may be issued by Devon County Council. A penalty notice offers a parent the opportunity of dealing with a potential offence without going to court, by paying a penalty. If parents can’t afford to pay, or for any other reason do not take the offer of paying the notice within a set time, then the case will proceed to a magistrates court. The provision of penalty notices is set by Regulations and the amount of the penalty, timeframe for payment or payment method are not able to be varied by Devon County Council.

Parents should note that only one penalty notice per parent per child will normally be issued within a two-year period. Any second ‘offence’ within a two year period will be referred straight to court.